Your time costs you money. Our time costs you less. Immediate Tech Support means concise, professional IT services to small and mid-size businesses. Our Microsoft® Certified technicians deliver reliable and trustworthy service just the way you need it – FAST!

Find Us on FacebookNot every company needs or can afford a full-time IT department. In the long run, you can save time and money by outsourcing your IT needs locally. Immediate Tech Support saves your company time and money by supplementing your staff, offering objectivity and expertise to your IT needs and supplying a variety of skills your staff may not have time to develop.

MANAGED IT SERVICES provided by Immediate Tech Support

  • Free Network Asessment RequestComputer Diagnosis And Assessment - We identify your network problems and opportunities. Security holes. Unauthorized users. Unknown devices. Unlicensed software. These are just a few of the big liability issues that are present in 9 out of 10 unmanaged computer networks. Do you have hidden network problems and don't know it? Give us 30 minutes and we'll uncover them… absolutely free, and without obligation. Click here to find out how.

  • IT Problem Solving – We design and implement ways of solving your problems.

  • Network Systems – We devise reliable networking methods for conducting daily business by providing the best available equipment to accomplish important tasks.

  • Hardware/Software Research And Analysis – We investigate the latest software trends, hardware changes and system organization to make the most of your company's computer systems.

  • Computer Training – Installation of new software and hardware requires computer training in order to maximize the return on your investment. Immediate Tech will train your staff on how to use the new software resources.

  • Contract Services – When outside resources are necessary, Immediate Tech Support will contract and hire out to plan and execute high-skill tasks of limited duration.


Network installation and maintenance provided at your business location and via remote access. Our techicians insure your network is secure and works to improve your business.

  • Network Needs Analysis
  • Network Server Installation
  • Server Software Maintenance
  • Network Router Installation
  • Hardware/Software Firewalls
  • Back Up and Data recovery


Whether a small or large network of PC workstations, Immediate Tech Support is your on-call IT Department, offering you freedom from routine and emergency computer problems.

  • Computer Repair
  • Software Updates
  • Hardware Upgrades
  • Virus Protection
  • Spyware removal
  • Computer peripherals


Our experience technicians install and maintain traditional or VOIP telephone networks. Still using traditional phones? We can make the transition to Voice Over Internet Protocal a smooth one.

  • Telephony
  • Voice Mail & Unified Messaging
  • Mobility Options
  • Teleconferencing
  • VOIP Hardware
  • Call Center Solutions